Verse a Day

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ham Salad Recipe

Ham Salad Recipe

Buy a chunk of pressed ham (like chipped ham is cut from) and a piece of balogna then run it through a chopper. Usually I get a 1# piece of ham ( like the old Isaly's ham) and 1/2 # piece of Bologna ( inexpensive brand).

Next cut it into cubes and I just use a small food chopper to chop it fine.

Next mix the chopped meats with sweet relish about 2 tablespoons or to taste and add some mayo, just to mix enough to hold together. You should be able to taste the relish.

If you just want a smaller quantity then use about 1/2 # ham and 1/4 bologna adding relish and mayo to taste. It is easy, we grew up on it with our Mom and Grandma.

It is good on buns, bread or toast with lettuce, tomato and even swiss cheese if you like it. It is easy to make and once you get the taste you like the next time is easy to duplicate.

Hope you enjoy it I know we sure do.
Pastor Kitner

Saturday, October 13, 2012

"Last Straw - Un Friend Me"

I have a Face Book  page and have some posts that speak to the more conservative views at times. I posted one that was sent to me by another friend that spoke of a former Obama supporter that went to see the movie about the year 2016 after a second set of 4 years under Obama and speaks of his mindset etc. It is not written by me but by someone who has changed their mind. It is more or less a man's opinion after he saw the movie.
A relatively new FB friend has an opinion that is different than the one expressed and has asked me to unfriend him because it was a last straw for him. Intolerance of opinions that differ with our own opinion is something I am thinking about, because I see that it is growing. From a political side that cries about intolerance as it suits them without giving tolerance to others. In the marketplace of free speech shouldn't we be able to express our thoughts without being so closed of that we can't allow others to voice themselves too?
If your friendship is so shallow then you tend to be like the old saying "Birds of a feather flock together" to the exclusion of all others.
I don't think that kind of seperation allows people to understand the others that are not of there same "feather". I am truly saddened  by what I see happening.

John 15:12 (KJV) 12This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

Pastor Kitner