Verse a Day

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Calling for World Wide Prayer

    There are a lot of things going on world wide, in the Middle East and in the US as well and there is a lot of unrest among the people because of all the lies being told to the public by the leaders of this nation. From what I see and hear there is going to a major upheaval in several parts of the world and all at once. There seems to be an ill wind blowin, if you know what I mean.

    Subversion is a terrible thing and Israel has been all but abandoned by our "president". Not by all though. I get the distinct feeling that the sparks seen flying now will ignite a very large fire that will be hard to contain by the nations at large.

    The church is a unique group of God's people on the earth on the cutting edge of all that God is doing today. We are called to be about our Father's business. So lets get busy.

    Time is short and I want to call a world wide 24 hour a day prayer meeting for everyday with no let up ever for the nations. Prayer for Israel and all those surrounding nations as well as those that are not in that immediate area. Pray for the Nations and all the leaders of all the nations. Prayer for a moving of God on the hearts of people for salvation as never before as the storm clouds are forming for destruction.
    Pastor Kitner


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