As I sat in the cancer treatment center The Lord spoke to my heart some things that I want to share here. I was not asking about such things but this word came to me as I sat waiting for chemo.
There is a coming storm to our country. It will be within our country and the fury of it could be likened to the force of 10 category 5 tornados.
What was spoken to my heart was that there will be a major division in our country. Not like a north/south or east/west division but a neighborhoods division and a type of mass confusion. Which is from the major divide of "IDEALS".
People will begin to look at one another as potential enemies because of the divide. A great cloud of distrust will blanket the nation. Deception will get worse.
Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
Jesus said in Matthew 24:4 Take heed that no man deceive you.
Don't get caught up in the world but seek those things that are above where Christ sits on the right hand of God.
Blessings on Ya
Pastor Kitner
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