Verse a Day

Monday, June 30, 2008

Fuel Price Answers! Click Here

Newt Gingrich offers common sense solution to energy crisis. Watch his video.

Dear Rev. Charles,

Our efforts to get Congress to act on the energy crisis are having an impact. AFA supporters have sent Congress 651,279 e-mails calling for action. Becoming energy self-sufficient is now a topic being discussed by the presidential candidates, a growing number of members of Congress and the media.

Watch this video in which former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich addresses the problem, then take action!

We have abundant energy reserves, but efforts to provide for our needs end up in court because of radical environmentalists! Our families need relief!

Our goal: 1,000,000 e-mails to Congress

Tell Congress you want action! CIBC World Markets, an independent investment company, forecasted that gas prices will soon hit $7 a gallon. Families are hurting.

Take Action!
Send your e-mail encouraging Congress to act on this problem. It affects every family in the U.S.

If you have not already done so, send an e-mail to your two U.S. senators and representative. Tell them to authorize the exploration of our known energy reserves.
Important! Show this to friends and family and urge them to send an e-mail. NOW!

Pastor Kitner

Stages of Renewal in the Local Church -- click here

What do you think?

Let me know if you have some additional ideas that should be included with these or if something should be changed. Give me some comments.

Pastor Kitner

Friday, June 27, 2008

Let's Do Worship!

What if Worship was like an NBA Game?

I spotted this on another blogspot and had to share it here.

Pastor Kitner

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Is Your Church Ready for $5 & $6 Gas Prices?

Think of the effects of the rising price of gas. Is your Church ready to continue ministries that are currently going on in the church?

Click on the above title and check out the article from Christian Computing Magazine.

Pastor Kitner

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Your Life is Not Your Own

How important is your testimony anywhere that you are and in any circumstance?
Click on the title above and see pastor Perry Noble's account of how important it is to be real.

Pastor Kitner

Monday, June 23, 2008

Update on the treatment of the cancer in my body.

Hello all,
I am done with the radiation and chemo treatment part of the cancer treatment and removal. I have an appointment with the Medical Oncologist on July 3rd. I will see a surgeon after that doctor visit as soon as I can and make arrangements for the removal of what is left of what was the cancer mass. That will irradicate any cancer from my body altogether. I anticipate that this will be done sometime in July.

I will post any other information that I get after this to keep you informed as to what is happening with the battle that I have been involved with in the radiation/chemo program.

I did not have some of the radical things happen to me with the radiation and chemo that I heard might or could happen. That is purely the grace of God on my behalf.

God gave me Isaiah 54:17 the day before I was diagnosed with cancer and I knew that He had everything in control concerning me and He still does.

The scripture that the Lord gave me the day before I was to find out I have this cancerous mass in my rectum is as follows:

Isaiah 54:16 - 55:1 (NIV) 16 “See, it is I who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work. And it is I who have created the destroyer to work havoc; 17 no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the LORD.

Blessings on Ya!
Pastor Kitner

Friday, June 20, 2008

Lakeland report by Lee Grady

-by J. Lee Grady (Charisma).

Pastor Kitner

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Steven Curtis Chapman plans comback after tragic death of their child

God does work all things together for the good to those that love God and are the called according to His purpose.

We need to keep steadfastly serving Him and watch Him work in the midst of the happenings of our life.

Click on the above title for Steven Curtis Chapman's comeback plans.

Pastor Kitner

Monday, June 16, 2008

God is able to do -----

Conversion story of Brian Welch, former co-lead guitarist of the rock band, Korn.

Eph. 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

Pastor Kitner

Friday, June 13, 2008

Can you recite all the books of the Bible?

Can you recite all the books of the Bible backwards from Revelation to Genesis?

This is Cameron…he’s the four year old son of a couple on staff at NewSpring church…and YES, in fact, he does recite all 66 books in the Bible from memory–BACKWARDS!

Pastor Kitner

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Not Your Momma's Worship Music!

Here is a great video of a worship song done at New Spring church, check it out.
By Lee McDerment- "We Stand"

Pastor Kitner

Saturday, June 7, 2008

From Woody Barnette---"While Men Slept"

"....But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed...." (Matthew 13:25)

The advertisement reads:

Show Your Pittsburgh Pride!!!

"Pride 2008 will be a week long celebration for and about GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bi (gender) and Transgender) Pittsburgh. We will be celebrating in our city, starting June 16th and ending with PrideFest on Sunday, June 22. On Sunday June 22nd from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM The GLCC (Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh) will have a booth right in the heart of the PrideFest location on Liberty Avenue. You will be able to stop by and see what we have planned for the future of GLBT Pittsburgh." (!!)

"While men slept" the enemy sowed and "planned!" An interesting thing has happened over the years in Pittsburgh. There is no longer a "March for Jesus" day because many of the city's pastors stopped supporting it, asserting, "that season was over." Meanwhile, "The Philistines are upon you, Samson!" This coming week (notice, not "day"), the homosexuals will be marching with great pride through the city streets. While the religious community is having in-house revivals, outside its house will be the "outhouse" culture, growing, expanding, taking over. While the religious culture is dancing and shouting in its church buildings, the demonic culture is dancing and shouting in our streets.

Some times I feel as though I am a "while-men-slept" Believer." I have been very active in His Church and Kingdom over my 44+ years of "full time" service, and yet at times you feel as though, well, you know the feeling. Then you read the above headline and ask, "How can I slow down/sleep in the face of this?" It is simply a rhetorical question. I cannot. You cannot. The Church cannot. I guess Malone is still asking challenging us, "What are you prepared to do?"

Father, in Jesus' Name, too often I have been asleep while the enemy has been sowing and planning. Holy Spirit, keep me awake! Amen.

Pastor Kitner

Thursday, June 5, 2008

NetSmartz -- check this out -- for kids and others.

For more information about Internet safety, visit, a Web site sponsored by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Check this site out.

Pastor Kitner

Do you know what you children are doing on line? -- click here

Do you really know what your children are doing on line? Unless you are a parent that whatches carefully at home you are really in the dark. Even when you watch at home they are on line at other times.

check out the link above -- click on the title.

Pastor Kitner