Verse a Day

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

America Take five to Pray

We have begun to do a study in the book of Acts at this time on wednesday evenings. We had spent 6 weeks on Acts 1:5 and Acts 1:8 looking into all that is concerned in the receiving of power after that the holy Spirit comes upon us.

In the book of Acts one finds that the church began in prayer as the 120 waited on the promise of the Father. They were in one place in one accord. They had one heart and one mind and that was to seek God and wait until He endued them with the power that Jesus told them not to leave Jerusalem without.

Question: If the church began in prayer and Jesus declared that the Father's house was to be a house of prayer, how then shall it continue to walk in the same power that it began in? My logical thought here is to say that it should continue in more prayer than I have seen thus far in the church.

Prayer is where the power is released to the church. Prayer is where the Holy Spirit is invited to release the things of Jesus to the church and bring the kingdom of God to the earth. Jesus said that this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness and then the end shall come. That happens as the power of God is released through the church and they are a witness unto Jesus Christ in all the earth.

Wednesday evenings will be a time of prayer here at First Assembly of God so the power of God will be released into the lives of people as they come to church here.

Prayer time should draw people that are serious about serving God and people with problems, so people will be saved and the Lord's will be done on the earth as it is in Heaven.

God bless and we hope to see you on both Wednesday and Sunday as we gather together in The Name of The Lord.

I personally invite you to come. I invite you also to go to the following web site and sign up at Join the Reveloution to pray in one accord for America. America Take five to Pray (click on the title)

The author of the book America Take Five to Pray is a member of the church here at Blairsville Pa. and Michele Vento is available to come and help your church group get into prayer for this nation of America. You know we need to come together in agreement for the nation as a whole and for the people as individuals. Also we must pray for the leadership of the country as well according to the scriptures. Call the church today and make arrangements for her to come to your ministry group.

Blessings on Ya!
Pastor Kitner

PS As we approach the New Year we are going to set aside at least a week for prayer and fasting starting January 10,2010 through January 16, 2010. This is seeking God for direction as individuals and as a church body for the coming year. We need to come to the one who directs our steps seeking Him for revelation of His direction and will for our lives in the coming year.

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