Verse a Day

Thursday, January 14, 2010

URGENT: Pray for Haiti

URGENT: Pray for Haiti - from the Assembly of God prayer center

The National Prayer Center urges Christians everywhere to be in prayer for the people of Haiti, in light of the devastating earthquake that struck the nation on January 12. Here are some specific points to guide your prayers:

1. Pray that rescue workers will be able to reach any trapped victims who are still alive.

2. Pray for those who have been left homeless by this disaster, that they will find provision and safety.

3. Pray that emergency aid, such as food and water, will arrive swiftly and move smoothly to affected areas. Pray as well that any disruption to transportation, such as fuel shortages, will be minimized.

4. Pray that communication will be restored and cell phone service will become dependable so families and emergency workers can make the contacts they need.

5. Pray for God's protection and strength for emergency workers. Ask God to give responders wisdom as to how they can most effectively confront this disaster.

6. Pray that the people of Haiti be protected from the spread of disease in coming days and weeks, and that clean water and food will remain available.

7. Pray for Assemblies of God missionaries and missions personnel in Haiti. Ask God to protect them as well as provide wisdom and strength in coming days and weeks, as they engage in relief efforts.

8. Pray for provision among the people of Haiti in coming weeks and months, as a large part of the population will be unemployed.

9. Pray that security and order will be maintained in affected areas.

10. Pray for the 273 Assemblies of God churches in Haiti, as well as the 66,000 believers in those congregations. Ask God's protection upon them and provision for them, as well as His guidance in leading them in ministry to the needy and hurting in coming days and months.

11. Pray that Christians around the world will be moved to action, both through heartfelt prayer and tangible giving, in response to this crisis.

12. Pray that in the midst of this terrible crisis, Haitians will turn their hearts toward God and receive His gift of salvation as they experience His love through the caring hands of Christians extended toward them.

Pastor Kitner

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