Verse a Day

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Lord Has a Plan!

On September 28, I was at the Arnold Palmer Cancer Center for my chemo treatment for stage 4 Colorectal cancer that has moved into my lung. A brother in the Lord, Paul form the Monroeville A/G church came and took me to the center. We had good fellowship going to the center (a 24 mile ride).
When we got into where the cubicles are we were made aware that there was another brother in the Lord there who had saved me a chair in the cubicle where he was. So now we were 3 talking and sharing testimony and the Word of God. This went on for several hours. Next another brother, from another cubicle that was there with his wife who was receiving chemo treatment for cancer also, came around the wall with his Bible and sat down. He said he had to come over because of what he heard us talk about, which was the Lord for the most part. He had had leukemia and is now cured complete with a new blood system because of a bone marrow transplant and stem cell replacement. He shared his testimony and we shared scripture the rest of the time we were together in one small cubicle. The great thing is that other people can hear us and even the nurses want to hear what the real God is doing, they linger as they get supplies all day long.
All this leads up to me sharing the Lord to my nurse of the day. Her name is Ann. She had heard us for 4 hours or so and I asked her, as she was fixing me to be connected to the chemo
pump for 46 hours as I was going home, had anyone ever told her that God loved her and had a
wonderful plan for her life? She answered with a weak answer and I asked her if I could ask
her another question and she said yes. So I asked her if she died tonight would she go to
heaven? She said she didn't know but hoped so. I then asked her did she want to know for sure?
She said yes, so I led her in a prayer for repentance, right there in my cubicle and she prayed a for real prayer with me. I watched her countenance change from death unto life and she said she knew now for sure.
There is a new name written down in glory because - where 2 or more are gathered in the name of Jesus He is there in the midst and he came to save sinners. He is the same yesterday, today and forever and I praise His name!

God bless!
Pastor Kitner

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