Verse a Day

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Same Ole, Same Ole

When you do the same thing that you have always done you will get the same thing that you have always gotten before. Change is effected only by doing something differently than you have done it before. A rut is a grave with the ends kicked out.
Church has got to be done differently today than it was even 20 years ago and the people who are the church MUST step out to do something that is in the realm of today and not live their religious churchanity out over and over producing the same old weak church that has produced religious programs and very little growth in the body of Christ.
I am 63 years old but I am not stuck in the last century for the way I see church being done. I want to preach the life changing message of the gospel but not in the ways of yesterday that the people of today can't relate to. Don't get me wrong, I know that it is not by might and not by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord..
What I see that is killing the church is a unwillingness to really change the methods of reaching people without compromising the truth. People who never progress with the times and keep trying to do what they learned to do way back when it used to work. There is a preconceived idea that we do it this way and that is the only way it can be done. Then on top of that a critical judgemental spirit is unleashed toward anyone that dares to do something different.
God is looking for those that will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. The leadership of the church must be as radical as Jesus was in the time frame of His earthly walk. There must be more Out of the Box, non traditional, outside the walls of a building, ministry taking place so that the kingdom of God is increased.
Please think about not doing church as usual and reaching the lost for Christ. Send me some comments and suggestions or tell me of some things that have worked for you and your church group.

Blessings on Ya!
Pastor Kitner

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