Verse a Day

Friday, July 18, 2008

From Woody Barnette---Father, in Jesus' Name, wake me up...

"If I send pestilence among My people, and My people...humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then...." (2 Chronicles 7:13b-14a)

Notice the location of the commas in our translation-- "humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn...." Usually when this text is read or quoted it is sounds as though there are four processes here. Not so. Only the humble will pray, and only the Face-seekers will "turn from their wicked ways." Trust me. We are going to need this kind of Believer in Jesus Christ more than ever in human history!

Islam is growing at an alarming rate in Europe. It is also growing in the US. Western man worships freedom, not the freedom which is in Jesus Christ, but the freedom which allows anyone to do anything. It will be the destruction of Western Civilization. The Arab/Islamic religion of the moon god, Allah, is a slaughterhouse religion. I posted a film on our Blog site which very graphically reveals the intent of this "peaceful religion." There is no "new testament" in the Koran. The murder of the Jew and other infidels is still advocated in mosques all over the world, perhaps surprisingly to some, including Western Europe and America. This religion came from the Arab world, just as the first state sponsored genocide of the Jews in 2500 years came from the Germany of my life time. We had to level Berlin to stop the madness. What will mankind have to do to rid itself of this madness?!? For the "bleeding hearts," remember, it was the Arab world which started Crusades, not Europe.

Jesus will return, when, no one knows. I believe the prophetic signs show that it is imminent. But if He tarries, our children, for sure our grandchildren, could very well be enslaved under the murderous religion of Islam. While Western man murders his babies and no longer has the will to fight for his freedom, Muslims are patient, their birth rate just keeps growing, and their children are being trained from infancy to "kill the infidel."

Now, the United States of America has the most left wing candidate in its history, a man friendly to this anti-West culture; and starry-eyed youth, trendy liberals, and life long Democrats who have no thought processes of their own, will be voting for him. If this will not get you and me to "humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways," I wonder what will? And to the Brethren in other nations, remember, as the US goes, so goes the world.

Father, in Jesus' Name, wake me up. Amen.

Blessings on Ya!
Pastor Kitner

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