Verse a Day

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Advertisers to be "scolded" ???

Stuck in Neutral
By Scott Harrup | September 9, 2008

The New York Times reported today that the European Parliament has voted 504 to 110 to “scold advertisers for ‘sexual stereotyping,’ adopting a nonbinding report that seeks to prod the industry to change the way it depicts men and women.” The committee report influencing the vote, the Times noted, claimed stereotypes in advertising can “straightjacket women, men, girls and boys by restricting individuals to predetermined and artificial roles that are often degrading, humiliating and dumbed-down for both sexes.”

Some controls of advertising make sense. No one should be degraded or humiliated, and the article cited one ad campaign promoted violence against women. But the phrase that sticks out to me is the more general fear of “restricting individuals to predetermined and artificial roles.”

As a parent raising a daughter and two sons, I know there are very real differences naturally characteristic of girls and boys. And I should rephrase that last sentence. As a father, I recognize those differences from a perspective distinct from that of Jodie’s motherly point of view.

There are innumerable ways in which Lindsay moves along life’s path differently from Connor and Austin. And she wouldn’t want it any other way. None of my children feel “straightjacketed” or “restricted” as they grow into more mature expressions of feminine and masculine traits.

Further, my kids have a healthy appreciation for the things that make Jodie and me different. They rely on me in ways they don’t rely on Jodie, and vice versa.

Does this mean things are so rigid in our home that Jodie never takes out the trash and I refuse to run a vacuum or cook a meal? Absolutely not. Our children observe us helping each other without giving up one iota of our respective femininity or masculinity. And that’s how it should be.

So, here’s hoping the European Parliament won’t enact intrusive legislation to back up this currently nonbinding bit of silliness. As the French are fond of saying, “Vive la diffĂ©rence!”

Blessings on Ya!
Pastor Kitner

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